School Song


Sacred Heart College marches onward up the hills of hope,
Faces all to sunward, feet against the slope;
What the goal or end is, time has yet to guess;
But where’er a friend is trust a friend to press!
Panting on and up, in the teeming early dew,
Bearing all the old, while they mount toward the new.

Sacred Heart College marches onward,
New worlds to find;
Sacred Heart College marches onward,
Who will lag behind?

Great the might of number, weak the work of one;
One may fall and slumber; toils the army on.
Well it knows the tune it marches with to fame;
Unit after unit we can sing the same!
Higher up the height, where the loyal feet have led,
Chime the voices in with the echo of their tread.

                                                                                                        Composed and Written
by Rev. Fr. Noel Leslie